Monday, 13 April 2015

Even When The Bands Are Poor...

Lately the bands have not been ideal and with some "reno" jobs on the go lately my operating time has been greatly reduced.  I sat down this evening for 30 minutes and tried for a few contacts.  I don't often get contacts in South or Central America due to the orientation of my fan dipole.  This evening, however I was able to catch YN5SU in Nicaragua on 17M with just 1 watt off the end of my dipole.  That's 2400 Miles Per Watt.  I looked back in my log as I didn't think I had a contact in Nicaragua yet.  Turns out I had YN5SU in my log from 2013.  I always appreciate it when OPS QRS for me as it makes for a much more enjoyable QSO however brief it may be.

Following that I thought I'd try for some QRPp action.  I was able to get Mark N8ME on 30M in Ohio with 500mW and to make it even better, he was QRP at 4W.  I really enjoy a good 2x QRP QSO...especially when I can be QRPp.

I got my fix.


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